Climate Research Papers
2019 | Article 7.2(c): A Possible Pathway to Facilitate Cooperation of Measures
As the supreme body, the Conference of the Parties is defined by relatively few words. One of the most powerful paragraphs of the Convention is Article 7.2(c). This memo discusses this relatively unknown paragraph of the Convention in the context of coastal communities and oceans.
2019 | Introduction of a COP25 Agenda Item to “Facilitate the Coordination of Measures on Oceans, Coastal Zones, and Climate Change”
This briefing provides an overview of possible modalities and benefits associated with the introduction of a COP25 Agenda Item on the coordination of measures on oceans and climate change.
2018 | Building Academic Capacity in Terrestrial Carbon Accounting: Republic of the Congo and Democratic Republic of the Congo
The Carbon Institute was invited by the U.S. Forest Service International Programs (USFS IP) to help build capacity in the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of Congo to measure and manage carbon in natural ecosystems. This report covers two trips that accomplished three key objectives: 1) to mentor Republic of the Congo terrestrial carbon accounting professionals who had already received advanced training; 2) to conduct a scoping mission to explore new TCA teaching needs and opportunities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and to co-teach a new advanced TCA certificate program in DRC, tailored to national circumstances.
2015 | US Forest Service Support for Terrestrial Carbon Accounting Academic Partnership in Cameroon
This report from the Carbon Institute to the United States Forest Service International Programs (USFS IP) outlines the work to build academic capacity in Terrestrial Carbon Accounting in Cameroon.
2015 | Tropical Forest Group 2012 Projects & Programs
This report outlines the Tropical Forest Group work in REDD+ reference levels for the UNFCCC, a humanitarian carbon portfolio, a database of US REDD+ funds, work related to commodity roundtables, and the first advanced accredited terrestrial carbon accounting course to be held at the University of California San Diego.
2012 | Memorandum of Understanding to Run Advanced Accredited Terrestrial Carbon Accounting Certificate
A 2012 Memorandum of Understanding between World Wildlife Fund, University of California San Diego, and Tropical Forest Group to design and run the world’s first advanced accredited Terrestrial Carbon Accounting certificate. This MOU and the subsequent course became the basis for the Carbon Institute.
2011 | Commodity Roundtables & Avoided Forest Conversion in Subnational REDD+: Agriculture, Food Security & Greenhouse Gas Accounting
This 2011 workshop report was produced with several partners on three key topics: 1) “Land Sparing”: Can Agricultural Intensification Help Save Forests? 2) Commodity Roundtable Approaches to Reducing GHG Emissions from Land Use Change, 3) Synergies Between Food Security and Reduced GHG Emissions.
2011 | Tropical Forest Group Submission on REDD+ Reference Levels to the Subsidiary Body on Science & Technological Advice
This 2010 briefing estimated there would be a demand of 74 million tons of CO2 between 2010 to 2012 for sectoral REDD+ offset credits in the California compliance market for offsets.
2010 | Tropical Forest Group Briefing Note on Proposed California AB 32 Regulations
This 2010 briefing estimated there would be a demand of 74 million tons of CO2 between 2010 to 2012 for sectoral REDD+ offset credits in the California compliance market for offsets.
2010 | Brazil’s Emerging REDD+ Sectoral Framework and the Potential to Deliver Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions from Avoided Deforestation in the Amazon’s Xingu River Basin
Commissioned by the Electric Power Research Institute, this report was a collaboration to summarize research on the emerging market for GHG emissions offsets derived from activities to reduce deforestation and forest degradation. It presents analysis of the potential for large-scale emissions reductions in the Xingu River basin of the eastern Amazon region. The report provides insights on property rights to carbon offsets, calculation of emission baselines for potential future REDD-based projects, carbon offset program registration, the development of a new sectoral “nesting” architecture through which pilot forest carbon projects could link to state- and national-level REDD programs.
2010 | Establishing Conservative, Transparent REDD Baselines, and Crediting Levels under AB 32
This policy paper provides recommendations for how California’s emerging main climate change law (AB 32) can establish conservative and transparent REDD+ reference levels at the subnational level.
2010 | Funding Opportunities for REDD+ in GCF Member States & Provinces
Despite pledges by developed countries for REDD+, it is too soon after Copenhagen to have much clarity on “how” and “when” REDD+ Fast Track funds will be spent. In most, there is no clear signal from donors as to whether they will directly fund sub-national REDD+ Initiatives at the state and provincial level. This report updates GCF members with the latest available information on REDD+ finance.
2010 | Carbon Finance in Ethiopian Rangelands: Opportunities for Save The Children/US Leadership
This report, funded by USAID under the Pastoralist Livelihoods Initiative and Enhanced Livelihoods in Mandera Triangle/ Enhanced Livelihoods in Southern Ethiopia, describes work done by Save the Children/US and the Tropical Forest Group (TFG) to explore opportunities for carbon finance in the rangelands of Ethiopia.
2009 | Driving Private Capital to Conserve Tropical Forests: Current Frameworks & Policy Ideas
This work, commissioned by WWF-US for the 2009 Forest Carbon Finance Summit hosted by Harvard University, outlines policy frameworks and ideas to leverage private capital to finance tropical forest conservation.
2007 | A REDD+ Scoping Exercise for the Inter-American Development Bank
This report provides an overview of reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries (REDD) and outlines possible actions for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) to consider. It is based on research and meetings held at IDB headquarters June 2007.