Our Partners
The Carbon Institute is built on partnerships with organizations that share our mission. Our collaborators bring extensive expertise in technical training, local educational networks, capacity building strategies, and international development experience. The Carbon Institute partners work together to pursue a future with climate stability and healthy ecosystems by developing a strong workforce to get us there.

Forest Carbon Accounting and Monitoring Center (FCAMC)
Since 2008, FCAMC has developed personnel and products to inform and assist the People’s Republic of China (PRC) to implement forest greenhouse gas inventories and provide REDD+ technical components. The staff of FCAMC includes professors and TCA professionals. Past TCA-related training programs include forest ecosystem inventory methods, forest carbon stock accounting, LULUCF accounting in China, and project methodology development of afforestation/reforestation and forest management, projects related to carbon trading in China, and IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories.

The Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM)
Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia Pacific (CCROM – SEAP), is a research center at Bogor Agricultural University with a main focus for research to enhance the capability of society in Southeast Asia and Pacific to better understand the development impact of climate variability and climate change, also to manage risks and opportunities of those events to improve human welfare and environment.

CRESA Forêt-Bois
The Regional Center of Special Training in Agriculture, Forestry and Wood (CRESA Forêt-Bois) is a Central African regional institute for masters-level education in environmental fields. CRESA is housed in the FASA (Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences), of the University of Dschang, Cameroon. The institute was created in 1997 to strengthen cooperation in training new master-level experts in sustainable ecosystem management, forestry, natural resources development, and environmental assessment across Francophone Africa. CRESA’s educational model encompasses one year and two years Masters programs with an emphasis on demonstrating technical competence in the fields of natural resource management and climate change.

University of Kinshasa
The University of Kinshasa is one of the three major universities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

University of Marien Ngouabi
The University of Marien Ngouabi (UMNG) is a university in the Republic of Congo. The UMNG is located outside Brazzaville and is the only state-funded university in the Republic of Congo.

The Tropical Forest Group (TFG)
The Tropical Forest Group is a non-profit organization dedicated to conserving forests and fighting climate change. The Tropical Forest Group (TFG) has been a leader in the forest carbon space since its roots at the Conference of the Parties in Montreal in 2005, where REDD+ was first proposed (then RED). Since then, TFG has served as an incubator for many cutting edge projects related to REDD+ at the nexus of climate science, policy, and communications. Tropical Forest Group launched the first accredited Terrestrial Carbon Accounting Certificate in 2013, the pilot project for The Carbon Institute. At COP21 in Paris, TFG launched ParisAgreement.org, which tracked draft negotiating texts and developed objective metrics used by worldwide media throughout the negotiations.