Indonesia | Carbon Accounting Certificate
The Carbon Institute’s advanced terrestrial carbon accounting (TCA) certificate in Indonesia is a model of how international partnerships can help skilled forestry professors further expand their impact in teaching land use based climate solutions.
Program Results

The result: a locally taught program in comprehensive TCA with graduates who are now supporting local policies, projects, and market mechanisms to reduce GHG emissions from land use. IPB University now offers the TCA course as regular competency-based training program under the School of Graduate Studies.
Many countries with large tropical forest stocks have made strong commitments to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. The main obstacle, though, to understanding the impact of steps taken is in the accounting. The Carbon Institute provides significant support in addressing this challenge, particularly in designing terrestrial carbon accounting curriculum and facilitating the exchange of knowledge between partner countries. — Rizaldi Boer, Director, Center for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management in Southeast Asia and Pacific of IPB University