Carbon Institute Curriculum Library
Curricular Resources
The Carbon Institute | Comprehensive Curriculum
For partners: Curricular material for the Carbon Institute’s certificate programs in Advanced Terrestrial Carbon Accounting, involving lectures, exercises, activities, readings, and examinations in six course areas for comprehensive instruction in TCA (password protected).
The Carbon Institute | Democratic Republic of the Congo Curriculum French language curriculum materials from the 2018 Advanced Certificate in Terrestrial Carbon Accounting held in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The Carbon Institute | Central African Alumni Materials
For Central African alumni: Curricular materials available participants from the Cameroon and Republic of the Congo TCA courses after completing the mentoring session and earning their Certificate (password protected).
The Carbon Institute | Raising the REDD Bar Learn more about the Carbon Institute’s model for building the global carbon workforce in this summary of TCI’s inaugural 2013 course in Advanced Terrestrial Carbon Accounting, held at the University of California San Diego.
GOFC-GOLD | REDD+ Training Materials
Open source curriculum in English, French, and Spanish that can be used by TCA instructors with citation, focused primarily on measurement and monitoring, involving lectures, exercises, and case studies.
USAID LEAF | Curriculum on Forests and Climate Change The LEAF program involves semester-long courses on Carbon Measurement and Monitoring and Low Emission Land Use Planning, with lectures, exercises, and homework. LEAF has also developed tools and standards in Terrestrial Carbon Assessment, Technical Guidance, Policy Development, and other important areas.
UN-REDD Programme | REDD+ Academy E-Course
12 Learning Journals (English, French, Spanish) and facilitation notes for training programs as a high-level survey for policymakers on various REDD+ topics.
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute | 301: GHG Accounting for Forest Inventories
This course provides comprehensive and detailed guidance on how to account for forest-related GHG emissions and removals when preparing an organizational (including national or subnational) GHG inventory.
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute | 302: GHG Accounting for Forest and Other Land Use Projects
The course includes a step-by-step process of undertaking project-level GHG accounting for land use projects based on ISO 14064-2 and the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol for Projects. The course presents a universal and comprehensive understanding of accounting requirements consistent with international GHG programs (e.g., CDM).
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute | 501 IPCC: Introduction to Cross-Cutting Issues
This course is an essential for anyone engaging in MRV and transparency work. The course develops core skills applicable, regardless of sector-specific focus. Part of the only comprehensive course series on the 2006 IPCC Guidelines, this course primarily teaches Volume 1: General Guidance and Reporting.
Greenhouse Gas Management Institute | 541 IPCC: Forestry and Other Land Uses
The GHG Management Institute’s advanced Terrestrial Carbon Accounting course provides a rigorous training on the emission sources, removal, and estimation methodologies for the forestry and other land use sector based on Volume 4: AFOLU of the 2006 IPCC Guidelines.
The Nature Conservancy | Introductory Curriculum on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and Conserving and Enhancing Forest Carbon Stocks (REDD+)
This e-course from the Nature Conservancy provides learners with an introduction to a variety of REDD+ topics.
Environmental Defense Fund and Forest Trends | Mapping Forest Finance: A Landscape of Available Sources of Finance for REDD+ and Climate Action in Forests
A recent compilation and comparison on sources and forms of finance for REDD+.
UNEP | Forests in a Changing Climate: A Sourcebook for Integrating REDD+ into Academic Programs
A survey of the many different facets of REDD+, including the social, political, and technical aspects, with an emphasis on high-level understanding for policymakers.
GFOI | REDD Compass
An online encyclopedia of REDD+ topics, guiding the user to GFOI guidance and resources.
CIFOR | The CIFOR Library
The searachble collection of CIFOR’s extensive publications on REDD+ can be sorted by theme.
GCP | The REDD Desk: Resources
This large collection contains REDD+ resources from a variety of sources can be filtered by country and topic. The site also has an introductory encyclopedia, though most pages have not been updated for several years.
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility | FCPF Resources
The FCPF encyclopedia of resources contains both internal links to FCPF documents and external links to select resources on particular topics.
WWF | Webinar Series
This extensive monthly webinar series features experts from a variety of topics related to REDD+.
UNREDD Programme | REDD Resources
An extensive collection of resources on REDD+ that is easy to navigate by topic.
Forest Trends | Publications Archive
The collection of publications from Forest Trends and associated organizations, including the annual State of the Forest Carbon Market and Voluntary Carbon Market reports, and publications from the REDDX forest finance tracking initiative.
US Forest Service | An Annotated Bibliography of Scientific Literature on Managing Forests for
Carbon Benefits
This 53-page annotated bibliography provides a thorough description of the literature for how to engage in forest management practices to have the greatest net-positive effect for climate
Winrock International | Guidance on Applying the Monte Carlo Approach to Uncertainty Analyses in Forestry and Greenhouse Gas Accounting
This 26-page guidance document provides step-by-step guidance for how to apply the Monte Carlo approach to analyze uncertainties and estimate emissions.
CIFOR | A step-wise framework for setting REDD+ forest reference emission levels and forest reference levels
This working paper suggests a framework for approaching the construction of a REDD+ reference level, summarizing the UNFCCC guiding and providing steps.
CIFOR | REDD+ Case Book This digital collection of case studies contains examples of jurisdictional REDD+ initiatives around the globe, including China and Indonesia, and also includes a REDD+ glossary.
The Nature Conservancy, Conservation International, and Wildlife Conservation Society | REDD: A Casebook of On-the-Ground Experience
This collection of case studies focuses primarily on technical challenges and field experience for forest carbon projects.
CLUA | GHG fluxes from forests: An assessment of national reporting and independent science in the context of the Paris Agreement
This study compares forests in national GHG inventories against external estimates and provides guidance for tracking forest fluxes under the Paris Agreement.
Forest Ecology and Management | Global Tree Cover and Biomass Carbon on Agricultural Land: The contribution of agroforestry to global and national carbon budgets
This study attempts to quantify the carbon stocks and fluxes of forests in agroforestry systems and provides an example of the application of the IPCC Guidelines.
Winrock International, Verra, and Fundación Natura Colombia | New Guidance for Nesting REDD+ Projects
This exemplary resource demonstrates accounting options for nesting REDD+ projects within jurisdictional REDD+ programs.
UNREDD Programme | REDD+ Glossary
A glossary of common terms related to REDD+ and forest carbon.